Thursday, January 12, 2012

My freshman year in college

Coming in as a freshman you usually think that you do not know who you are, or what you want to do. This is true college is where you find yourself and also grow as a adult, but my style was kind of the same way. I wore a lot of sneakers and flats in high school, but when I came to college my freshman year I thought my style needed a little maturing... So I started wearing more heels and then more heels turned into heels 24/7. I wasn't trying to show off or be someone I am not, my style just matured. I still wear sneakers from time to time, but I rather a stiletto over and sneaker. I am a junior now in college and my style continue to evolve in many ways. My clothes express me. I know you heard people say this before "They see you coming before they hear you", well that is what I truly believe in. I never call myself a fashionista or fashion guru, I am just a regular girl who loves to look nice. Dressing to me is a habit, I do not dress to get compliments or out do somebody. I care about my appearance and I think every woman should. Here are a few photos of my freshmen year style.....